Saturday, September 17, 2011

Possible Memoir Topic

I was thinking that, for the memoir, I could write about a time in which I went to a fair and learned about greyhound racing.
When I was little, I was always amazed by greyhound races. I became interested in these types of "doggie races" after I saw these tents set up that talked about how owners trained these dogs. (I saw a few greyhounds as well.)
However, I later learned that the idea behind greyhound racing is very cruel and animal abusive. Trainers would train these greyhounds (most came from animal shelters) and race them. Whichever dog was the fastest was kept and trained for more races, whereas the one that lost would be put down. I was really upset when I learned about the truth behind these races. I have always remembered the faces of those greyhounds, and when I look back, I think that those dogs looked quite sad.
I was thinking that I could write about this topic, but I still need to develop the ideas more.
What do you guys think?

1 comment:

  1. Thats so sad :(. It would make a good topic for a memoir. How it reveals the truth behind the race seems interesting and I would love to read about it. :)
