Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Draft 2

This is a continuation from Draft 1.

My cousins, who were also magnetized to their presence, inched towards the tents that shaded those resting greyhounds. I slowly trailed beside them, afraid to stand beside these massive creatures.
                “…These greyhounds have competed in over twenty races, and some of these races were in other states as well. Notice their long legs- those natural ‘springs’ are perfect for running on the tracks. That’s why these greyhounds can run so fast, even up to forty-five miles per hour…”
                The crackling sounds of the microphone burst out over the murmurs and laughter of the crowd, all of whom gathered around these greyhounds in adoration and fascination. The tent, abundant with spectators, was vibrating to the static, magnified voice of a greyhound trainer, who acknowledged the different characteristics and daily life training of these creatures. 
                Fascinated by this intriguing information, my cousins and I shyly approached a large greyhound that rested on the grass. This greyhound- a beautiful creature enwrapped in a gray and white robe- lay on the ground with a regal and majestic stature. Its tail pounded on the ground with every excited pulse pumping through its body, and the large, pink tongue that rolled out its mouth hung over its mountainous teeth. Every time this greyhound inhaled a breath, the tendons and muscles that spread throughout its legs, back, and shoulders appeared and vanished like the tides on the ocean shore.
At first, we stared dumbfounded at this massive greyhound- all three of us were terrified to pet this creature. But slowly yet tentatively, my cousin reached down to touch its head, and when he did, there was a tremor that shook the earth as the greyhound wagged its tail in reply, welcoming this timid but kind gesture.
Hesitantly, I, too, reached down to rest my hand upon its head. And when I did, there was an excitement that emanated from this being, a joy that traveled up through my arm and into my entire body. Mesmerized by this friendly greyhound, my mind was swimming with wonder: how could such a dominating creature, which has the ability to aggressively run and pierce through the wind like a bullet, be so gentle to a six-year-old girl?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the small font at the bottom. I tried to adjust it so that it wouldnt appear small, but it still continues to show up that way.
