Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Quick Question...

Do I need the bold sentence? I think that I may not need this sentence here (to allow readers to find out the answer), but is this sentence needed? The bold sentence sounds a little awkward, too...

But if written Mandarin was already simplified in the past, then why should there be a restriction from further simplifying this written language?

The reason is: the difference of intentions behind this doing.
            The current traditional Mandarin evolved from a basic simplification of drawings; people transformed these detailed drawings into strokes so that the process of writing would be less tedious. These ancient scholars wished to maintain the origin of the word, and they did not stray from the roots of these characters. Political purposes, however, ignited the founding of simplified Mandarin; “…the rationale and objectives were always deeply political.” (Peterson 108) The founders of the Communist Cultural Party were not purely seeking to “ease” the burden of learning and writing Mandarin characters. Instead they intended to mold a divergent culture, a new world much different than their ancient traditions

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