Monday, January 2, 2012

Expository (Without Beginning)

I can't think of a good introduction for the essay right now, so here is the first born segment of the paper. Do the ideas flow? Also, for the multimedia part, does the essay transition well into the video? Oh, disregard the bolded part- that's just a note to myself. Thanks!

Firstborns- these individuals are the reasons why our world continues to rotate on its axis. Scholarly perfectionists, firstborns are essentially the leaders of our society who are both nurturing and assertive. Whether they pamper or “govern” others, firstborns seek order and structure in their surroundings. Going to the movies? The first born would take care of holding those tickets. What about grocery shopping? They would be the ones who double- and even triple-check that shopping list. Organization, essentially, is their life!
Because they serve as “guinea pigs” for novice parents, firstborns receive spotlight attention throughout their early childhood. In order to “test” parenting methods, brand new moms and dads would thrust a variety of behaviors upon the first born.  Parents would either be “overprotective, anxious, tentative, and inconsistent,” or “strict [and] disciplined” with their first born; at times, they could be both! (Leman) As a result, firstborns receive a great amount of pressure from their families. From babysitting younger siblings to completing daily responsibilities, firstborns juggle the stress of being number one!
However, the “number one” position has its benefits. Since they are told to “act their age” and “set an example” for their younger siblings, firstborns develop natural leadership qualities. They tend to be critical and dislike surprises, but firstborns are logical and generally smarter than their younger siblings. In the following video, Dr. Martin discusses the correlation between firstborns and their IQ.
Aside from their academic strengths, firstborns are avid readers and possess an interest for computers or technology. They enjoy activities that involve perseverance, and they take these activities very seriously. Because of their perfectionism, leadership qualities, and intelligence, firstborns compose the majority of engineers, vice presidents, and CEOs. In fact, “over fifty percent of U.S. presidents have been firstborns,” such as Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. (Leman) Firstborns are usually the “earth shakers” of society; firstborns Oprah Winfrey and Winston Churchill, for instance, inspired changes in the world.

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